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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Drill/mill on the diametric part of the workpiece in Lathe (tracyl) Siemens 840D sl

Drill on the diametric part of the lathe workpiece(G19)
How it’s done,
Y Rotation (Much more on this later)
Z Distance in longitudinal (standard Lathe Z direction)
X depth (Diameter-dimensions).
Starting codes:
Besides the usual...
SETMS (1.. 4); The number of the driven spindle
TRACYL (50); Choice of machining on the diametric surface and diameter of the workpiece

Y will be the length of the diametric surface in mm or inch. (the rotation)
For example, if you have a diameter of 50mm, work out the perimeter and use these dimensions, 50xPi = 157,07963267948966192313216916398
This represents a whole 360 deg turn, use this for suitable split values between holes.
Example of 4 holes around a 50 detail

N41 SETMS (3) (Enable driven tool, the number may vary)
N42 TRACYL (50) (Enable milling diametric surface, dia 50)
N50 G97 S2000 F100 M3
N60 G0 X55 Y0 Z-20 (starting hole at 0 degrees)
N70 G1 X45 (drilling)
N80 G0 X55
N90 G0 Y 39.269908169872415480783042290994 (90-degree hole)
N100 G1 X45 (drilling)
N110 IS G0 X55
N120 G0 Y 78.539816339744830961566084581988 (180-degree hole)
N130 G1 X45 (drilling)
N140 G0 X55
N150 G0 Y 117.80972450961724644234912687298 (270-degree hole)
N160 G1 X45 (drilling)
N170 ................
SETMS (1) (Switch to the main spindle)
TRAFOOF (return to normal turning)

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Make a PWA-app for windows

There's another way to present your website then the web.
You can use an app format called PWA, Progressive Web App.
All the app content made in the form of a standard webpage, easily changeable.
The app can be made for windows, android, and IOS.
I made a guide on how to make PWA's with Visual Studio (it's free)
The guide shows how to make a windows version app and how to publish the same to Microsoft Store
You'll find it right here
I can even make you the apps for some bucks, ask for that.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

windows apps for NX CAM, mill and turn

After a long, long interruption, got a heart attack at the new year... (start getting old)

Made windows apps for NX CAM, mill, and turn.
Finally got it to work all the way from Visual Studio to MS Store.
They are on Microsoft store, free and for everything, x86, x64, arm (not Xbox, yet)

For the mill part microsoft store, CCG NX CAM Mill

For the Turn part microsoft store, CCG NX CAM Turn

Try it out and post feedback here, I have not really tested them myself :)