My post on internal key way was removed by blogger (google), check mail at the end
Broaching in CNC-lathe
The simple way to make an internal slot in your CNC-lathe
You need to get or make the tool, it's not included.
An example of tools
I read a lot of tutorials on how to broach slots, everyone is parametric, with R-values, and so on, and I thought, can you do this easy?.
My solution so far, the main program and a sub-program, some inc programming, and we're there
N10 G54
N30 WORKPIECE(,,,"PIPE",256,0,-35,-30,70,30)
N40 T="PLUNGE_CUTTER_3P" ;zero Z at center of tool
N50 G96 S10 M5 ;not the best "no rotation" command
N60 G94 F300 ;feed mm/min
N70 G0 X30 Z2 ;startpos
N80 KILSUB P10 ;subprogram, P=repetition times (how deep you go)
N90 G0 G53 X500 Z600 D0
N100 M30
and the sub:
N10 G54 ;just in case
N20 G91 X0.3 ;inc cut/sub run, aka cutting depth
N30 G90 ;abs prog
N40 G1 Z-20 ;depth in Z
N51 g0 Z2 ;return of tool
N60 m17 ;exit sub
Things that have a deep impact, the P-value is the cutting depth x how many repetitions needed.
something's not completely finished, never tried this for real, just couch-programming
now for the big techs small people bullying:
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